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Accueil => AUTEURS => A => ALLARDYCE, W.L.

Born on November 14, 1861, Allardyce was educated at Aberdeen and the Oxford Military College. In 1879 at age 18, he entered the Colonial Service as a clerk and interpreter in Fiji. Allardyce rose rapidly through the ranks, and from 1902 to 1904, served as Receiver-General and Colonial Secretary. He left Fiji in 1904 to became governor of the Falkland Islands, where he stayed for 10 years. He was subsequently governor of the Bahamas (1914-20) and of Tasmania (1920-22). He came to Newfoundland in 1922.
Source : http://www.heritage.nf.ca/govhouse/governors/g64.html

Rotooma and the Rotoomans      ( 103 visites depuis le 21-12-2004 )
Serveur : Université d'Hawaii, (The Rotuma archives) - Allardyce, W.L, "Rotooma and the Rotoomans," Proceedings of Queensland Branch of the Geographical society of Australasia, 1885-6, Pp. 130-144.
EXTRAIT : The object of this paper is to endeavour to supply you with some information regarding one of our latest colonial annexations; its climate and people, with a few of their peculiar customs. The island in question is called Rotooma, and I may mention that it is invariably misnamed by being called Rotoomá.It is situated in the Pacific in 12o 30' south latitude, 177o 10' east longitude, and was discovered by the "Pandora" in 1793, when searching for the mutineers of the "Bounty."The mainland is seven miles long by three miles broad, and contains about 9,000 acres. How then did this speck in the Pacific come to be annexed? Well, it came about in this way. There occurred in Rotooma, about 1878, a religious war, and the Catholics and Wesleyans fought together.
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