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Accueil => AUTEURS => A => AUGAFA Magdalene

Augafa was serving as the Grade 8 teacher at Alataua Elementary School on the island of Tutuila when she was named a PAEMST award winner. As the mentor teacher for the school from 1998-2002, Augafa regularly provided in-service professional development. In addition, she supervised student teachers earning degrees through the University of Hawai‘i’s College of Education. Helping teachers develop effective classroom practice has been the focus of Augafa’s professional life for much of the last nine years. It was the opportunity to pursue her own professional development, however, that brought her to Honolulu in September 2002.
Source : http://www.prel.org/media/ms_/augafa.asp

Discovering patterns and symmetry: weaving baskets and mats      ( 154 visites depuis le 23-10-2004 )
Serveur : Ethnomathematics Digital Library - - Extrait : Weaving is one of the oldest crafts in the world. Imprints of woven baskets and mats have been found in many places and cultures. These different cultures have woven their baskets and mats often using local materials – from coconut fronds to pandanus leaves. Because baskets are used for so many things, there is tremendous variation in how they are designed. Many follow mathematical patterns similar to that of a simple mat.
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