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Accueil => AUTEURS => M => McCALLUM, Wayne

University of Canterbury Christchurch, New Zealand

European Loyalist and Polynesian Political Dissent in New Caledonia: The Other Challenge to RPCR Orthodoxy      ( 117 visites depuis le 03-10-2004 )
Pacific Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3--September 1992 - SERVEUR : BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY - EXTRAIT : Analysis of New Caledonian politics since the early 1980s has focused mainly on the question of the territory’s possible independence from France. Works such as those written by Helen Fraser, John Connell, and Claude Gabriel and Vincent Kermel have concentrated on the political rise of the territory’s independence movement.1 The local Melanesian (or “Kanak”) independence movement’s demands for greater autonomy and eventual independence were among the major problems that confronted President François Mitterrand’s French Socialist government in the mid-1980s.
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