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Accueil => AUTEURS => H => HANLON, David

Micronesia: Writing and Rewriting the Histories of a Nonentity      ( 102 visites depuis le 03-05-2003 )
Auteur: HANLON, David - Titre : Micronesia: Writing and Rewriting the Histories of a Nonentity - Editeur : Pacific Studies Journal vol 12 N°2 - Année : 1989 - Serveur : Scholarly Publication Center (Brigham Young University) - Format : pdf - Thèmes : Micronésie - Histoire
EXTRAIT : In a 1967 editorial on developments within the discipline of Pacific history, Harry Maude noted the paucity of written histories on the islands of Micronesia.1 It appeared to Maude that the past of these rich, varied, and complex island societies had been ignored as if by some tacit agreement. Now, more than twenty years later and with the recent publication of several monographs on various topics in Micronesian history, it is perhaps an appropriate time to assess the present state of historical investigations and to consider some of the larger issues involved in the study of the area’s past.
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