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Accueil => AUTEURS => M => MAYO, Larry W.

U.S. Administration and Prospects for Economic      ( 94 visites depuis le 03-05-2003 )
Auteur: MAYO, Larry W. - Titre : U.S. Administration and Prospects for Economic Self Sufficiency: A Comparison of Guam and Select Areas of Micronesia - Editeur : Pacific Studies Journal vol 11 N°3 - Année : 1988 - Serveur : Scholarly Publication Center (Brigham Young University) - Format : pdf - Thèmes : Micronésie - Guam -évolutions institutionnelles - perspectives économiques
EXTRAIT : Negotiations between representatives of the United States and the former U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Micronesia) have resulted in the formation of four new political entities. Termination of the trusteeship formally signals the emergence of three sovereign states-- the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands Republic, and the Republic of Palau--all bound by a Compact of Free Association with the United States. The former Northern Marianas district of the Trust Territory became a commonwealth of the United States
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