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Accueil => AUTEURS => M => McCORMICK, James

Healing the American Rift with New Zealand      ( 902 visites depuis le 28-09-2002 )
Auteur : McCORMICK, James - Titre : "Healing the American Rift with New Zealand", Pacific Affairs, Vol. 68, No. 3. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 392-410- Serveur : JSTOR - Thèmes : Relations internationales - Nouvelle-Zélande - USA - Nucléaire - ANZUS
EXTRAIT : Since 1985, political and military relations between the United States and New Zealand have been ruptured over the issue of American nuclear ship visits and nuclear power generally. In this paper, I review the nature of the ANZUS dispute, analyze the impact of this rupture in several different policy areas between the two countries, and discuss the recent events in New Zealand-United States relations that have begun to alter this situation. In particular, I focus on the apparent emergence of a dual track policy of closer political cooperation between the two countries, even as the security relationship remains fissured.
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