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Accueil => AUTEURS => M => McCORMICK, E.H.

Captain Cook and Omai      ( 395 visites depuis le 17-06-2002 )
Auteur: McCORMICK, E.H. - Titre : Captain Cook and Omai - Editeur : Pacific Studies Journal vol 1 N°2 - Année : 1978 - Serveur : Scholarly Publication Center (Brigham Young University) - Format : pdf - Thèmes : Histoire - Récit de voyage - James Cook
EXTRAIT : For a man who attained such eminence before his death, surprisingly little is known of Cook’s personal life. Of his relations with parents, wife, family, and fellow Yorkshiremen not much is recorded beyond the bare facts and what is contained in a handful of unrevealing letters. His journals, informative as they are about many subjects, do not often dwell on the friendships--and the animosities--that developed on the quarterdeck or in the confines of the great cabin....
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